Friday, August 8, 2008

Guess Who's Back

Death is but a door, time but a window, I'll be back.
-Ghostbusters II

Hi everybody out there. I do beleive it's officially been more than two years since I last posted a real blog entry. I am out of the loop. So much so, it seems, that my blog (blogs really) has (have) been shanghaid. Don't ask me how, but a guy from my old office accidentally took control over my blog, and I can't get it back.

So here I am, starting anew. I guess this is actually kind of cool, because I'm in a cool new place in life right now. First and foremost of importance is that I am married now. Laura and I were married on May 17th and are settling into wedded bliss. With that has come a new home, new roommate (that's still Laura if you're slow), and new neighborhood. I also started a new job (with manager in the title - straighten my tie) back in March, and I am loving it.

It occurred to me yesterday to look back through my old blog posts and it reminded me how much I enjoyed doing it. I've got a decent amount of free time these days, so I think I might be able to do this with some semblance of consistency. If I am lucky enough to have any return readers at all, you are all probably rolling your eyes because I have told that lie before. Let me be the first to say that you could very well be the case. Let's just hope for the best, shall we?

I went back through the old roll call, and found that many of you old blogger buddies are still active. I'll have links to you on this blog as well. In that light, let me just give a hearty shoutout to:


Glad you guys are still fighting the good fight. I hope we can keep in touch again like we used to. if I somehow garner new readers here... well I won't eat my hat, but let's just say I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Looking forward to it, everybody.


Cheryl said...

Welcome back! I'll definitely be checking up on you. And congrats on all the good things that have been happening to you

Diane said...

Hey David! I am one of those "new readers" that you mentioned-surprise! I am hoping to also look back over some of your older writings. It seems like you have a lot of interesting things to share. :)

Marissa said...

Hey!!!!! So great that you're writing again. Welcome back. :)